четверг, 10 июля 2008 г.

25 Study Infographs With Tips and Tricks To Help You Get Good Grades

25 Study Infographs With Tips and Tricks To Help You Get Good Grades

The month of December should ideally be filled with festive cheer as you get ready to spend the holidays with your family and friends. Unfortunately, if you’re in school, it’s not usually that way. For students, December means one thing: finals or midterms, depending on whether you’re in high school or college.

Considering that your grade on a final or midterm can usually make or break your grade for the entire class, there’s a lot of pressure to do well – and that leads to a lot of stress and sleepless nights. Many people feel so overwhelmed that they can’t even study correctly, or they just give up entirely. Even though different things work for everyone, studying shouldn’t be a random process… you need to get organized and make a plan in order to get the most out of it.

Since we don’t all have the time or money to pay for a professional tutor, the best thing we can do is collect tips from the Internet or fellow straight-A students. If you want to succeed this semester and impress the heck out of your parents, you need to keep reading. These study infographics include so many tips that are super helpful, and will make you a studying pro. Here are 25 study infographs with tips and tricks to help you pass all of your exams:

1. Exercise during study sessions

study tips and tricks

2. Find out what kind of learner you are so that you can figure out your best study methods, and what you should avoid:

study tips and tricks

3. Start studying a few days or weeks before your exams instead of cramming.

study tips

4. Make a strict schedule and actually follow it, as if studying were your job.

study tips

5. Need some extra help? These educational websites are a good place to start:

study tips

6. Stress will only make things worse. Here are some tips on how to calm down and get everything done.

study tips

7. Learn the science behind studying to figure out how to do it best:

study tips

8. Endless studying will not help you. Make sure you’re taking quick breaks every 30 minutes to clear your head.

study tips

9. Three things: be prepared, don’t procrastinate, and figure out your best way to relieve stress.

study tips

10. Remember these tips for when you’re actually taking the exam.

study tips

11. A major part of studying is memorizing. Learn how that works:

study tips

12. Studying isn’t just about schoolwork – you have to keep yourself healthy too so that you’ll be more alert.

study tips

13. Give yourself a day off once a week to relax – and follow the rest of these tips as well:

study tips

14. Pay attention to these tips, especially if you’re taking an online course.

study tips

15. Don’t just read notes – really think about what you’re learning and actively practice.

study tips

16. These studying hacks are a little unexpected but still awesome:

study tips

17. Here’s how to really use flashcards to your advantage:

study tips

18. If you’ve saved your old tests, study them in preparation for your final/midterm.

study tips

19. Not convinced about flashcards? Here are some reasons to use them:

study tips

20. Know the best things to eat so that you can be alert, relaxed, and focused.

study tips

21. Good lighting, getting enough sleep, using a highlighter, music… all super important tips.

study tips

22. Here’s how to buckle down and focus:

study tips

23. Always write everything – it helps you memorize better.

study tips

24. Do you have to write a paper instead of take a test? Here are some helpful tips:

study tips

25. Don’t study on your bed… pick a different space.

study tips

Which of these study tips did you find the most helpful? How are you getting ready for finals and midterms? What did I forget? Tell me in the comments.

15 tips from real top students for getting good grades


Original article and pictures take cdn6.gurl.com site

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