четверг, 7 августа 2008 г.

3 Tips on How to Survive a Postgraduate Degree with Kids

3 Tips on How to Survive a Postgraduate Degree with Kids

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How to Survive a Postgraduate Degree with Kids

For many students today, stopping at a bachelor’s degree simply isn’t enough. Perhaps you just love learning and want to expand your knowledge of your chosen subject as much as possible, or, maybe it’s required that you have a postgraduate qualification to get onto your desired career path. Whatever your reasons for choosing to go back to school, any mom who’s studied before knows that juggling education with family life is no easy task. But, the good news is, it’s not impossible! There are many savvy tricks and tips that moms can use to make studying for their graduate degree a lot easier. Here’s how:

Tip #1. Study Online

Perhaps the best thing that’s happened to moms when it comes to furthering their education is online learning. Although it’s been around for a decade or so, it’s only recently that learning online has really taken off. Online degree programs such as online masters of accounting are booming in popularity, with plenty of great benefits, such as lower tuition fees, more flexibility, and in some cases, even the option to finish your program and graduate sooner (or take more time to finish if you need it). Since you’ll be studying from home and deciding when you have the time to take your online classes, it’s so much easier to fit around your day with little ones – no need to worry about your class clashing with the school run in the morning!

Tip #2. Include Your Kids!

Yes – really! Including your little ones can be a great way to get some work done without having to worry about your mom duties. If your children have homework to do when they finish school, then why not arrange a family study time, where you can all sit down together and learn. This will allow you to get your own work done, whilst making sure that your children finish their homework on time, too. And, it can be a great way to teach each other about different things – you can explain how your master’s degree in accounting works to your kids, and they can tell you about their latest science project!

Tip #3. Make Connections

Going it alone as a mom at grad school is really difficult. Thankfully, you’ll probably find that you’re not the only mom studying for your program. Even if you are studying online, there are many great ways to make connections and meet your fellow students. Social media is one of the best methods of doing this; many online colleges and schools have Facebook groups that students can join to meet their classmates, discuss topics, and swap ideas. Connecting with other parents that are in the same situation can be a great way to get support and swap ideas for juggling education with family life.

When you have kids, taking postgrad classes can mean that you need to be a super mom! Did these tips help? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Disclosure: This blog received a form of compensation for this publication. All opinions are my own.

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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