четверг, 25 декабря 2008 г.

5 Questions You Can Stop Asking Stay-At-Home Moms

5 Questions You Can Stop Asking Stay-At-Home Moms

My decision to be a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) was met with much confusion and many questions from friends and family.

Most likely because I hold a college degree, have always been a strong, independent woman, and hadn’t really talked about doing so during my pregnancy.

Even a year later, I’m still getting the questions.

I figure I’ll just answer them all here so when the nosey lady in the grocery line asks me, I can just hand her a card with this link. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to hear that I’m also a mommy blogger (insert sarcastic smile here).

Anyway, here are my answers to the top 5 questions that I get as a SAHM.

#1 – When are you going back to work?

I never quit. I’ve just got a new job.

When people ask me that question, I feel like they don’t realize that I am still working. Just because I don’t get a paycheck doesn’t mean I’m not working.

However, when or if I do decide to go back to work, I’ll take a billboard out and let the world know.

#2 – What do you do with all that free time?

Do you ask your daycare worker that? Because I’m sure they’d probably slap you.

If anything, I have less time now than ever!

Seriously, I’m never alone. Never. Not even in the bathroom.

#3 – Aren’t your kids unsocialized?

Believe it or not, there are lots of ways to socialize kids nowadays.

In the winter, there are lots of great indoor activities like library lapsits, museums, and playdates. During the summer, there are playgrounds, swimming pools, and sports.

And there are actually other kids there too! Who knew?

#4 – Isn’t your husband jealous that you get to stay at home and he has to go work?

When my husband comes home from work, he often can judge my day by the number of stains on my shirt (that is, if I’ve even had time to change out of my pajamas).

Never once has he said, “I wish I could stay at home all day.” Probably because he knows my days are filled with spit up, sing alongs, and dodging flying objects.

In all reality, staying at home was a joint decision that we made together. We both “go to work” but we each have different jobs. He understands the difficulty of mine, just as I do his.

Plus, I’m sure he appreciates a hot meal, a (sometimes) clean home, and no daycare bill!

#5 – Do you wear your pajamas all day? Must be nice.


Yes, pajamas are comfortable. And yes, there are days where it’s impossible to get out of them before noon. But, (and I’m sure most moms will agree), it’s also nice to get ready for the day.

Sometimes you have to make the hard decisions between warm coffee, hot showers, and grown-up clothes.

And yes, the decision is hard, but the sacrifice is always worth it.

Want to know why I became a SAHM? Check out this blog post here: From Miss Independent to Mini-Van Mom

Not a SAHM or questioning your decision? Check out this blog post: Why Being a SAHM is the Worst Thing for Your Child

Thinking about parenthood? Check out this one: Parenthood, A Look Inside


Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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