понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

5 Six-Figure Work at Home Jobs That Don’t Require a Fancy Education

5 Six-Figure Work at Home Jobs That Don’t Require a Fancy Education
The truth is, there are many women who have soared into six figures by working from home, and not always with a fancy degree, either.

One of the things I get questions about all the time is how to make a really good amount of money by working from home. Is it really possible to quit the “regular” workforce and bring in a lot of money, right from home?

It’s the dream of many to work from home earning six figures per year. But most people seem to think that that’s all it is — just a dream, and not something that can really happen. Take it from me, though: Despite what you may be thinking, it’s really not that unusual.

The truth is, there are many women who have soared into six figures by working from home, and not always with a fancy degree, either. Let’s look at some of the most common ways to make it happen:


There are so many bloggers, ladies just like you, earning six figures with their blogs. It takes time to build up to that level of income, but it’s been done over and over and over again, across all areas of interest and countless subjects.

The important thing for you to know is that when it comes to running a successful blog, there’s no fancy degree involved. (I’m not even sure any colleges or universities offer degrees in blogging!)

You know what that means? We are all self-taught. And the vast majority of us come to the blogosphere with zero technical know-how or writing credentials.

One of my favorite things about blogging is there is no income ceiling. And what’s more, there isn’t necessarily a direct relationship between how much you work and how much you earn. That means you don’t necessarily need to work more hours to make more money.

Once you find a formula that works for your own blog, growing your income is a matter of tweaking and adjusting. It absolutely requires work and there are some long hours on occasion, but ultimately you just need to figure out how to “work smarter” for your audience.

The best thing you can do as a blogger, whether new or experienced, is getting the proper education and tools. There are some fantastic resources available for you, no matter what level of a blogger you are — including a “wannabe” blogger! These are a few of my favorites:

  • Framework from Just a Girl and Her Blog – If you are just getting started in blogging, this is an excellent resource. It walks you through everything from setting up a WordPress blog to creating content. It’s also affordable.
  • Elite Blogger Academy – This course is for those with established blogs. It’s the crème de la crème when it comes to blogging courses. I took this one a couple of years ago and have been reaping the rewards ever since. I’ve been able to GREATLY increase my blogs’ traffic and income in a very short period of time. I’ve also made connections with some really great bloggers to help continue that success long into the future.
  • Need hosting? (Every website needs hosting!) SiteGround is a user-friendly, affordable option for beginners. You’ll get web hosting for under $4 per month and you will receive a free domain name for life.

Will blogging last forever? I don’t know. But you can be d*mn sure it won’t be one of those things I look back on in 10 years and think “man, I should have gotten in on that.”


If you have a solid background in something and a keen noggin for problem-solving, think about setting up shop as a consultant. In fact, a lot of women are now earning a great income from home as consultants.

So how does it work?

As a consultant, your job is to help your clients with things like business management, finances, or finding a job. There are people who either want to start their businesses as strong as possible, or they want to improve the ones they already have.

As a consultant, you aren’t performing the actual work. You are simply meeting with the business leaders, taking a look at what’s going on and what their goals are, and then coming up with the strategy and direction they need to take to be successful. You show them the way to where they want to be.

Becoming a consultant is one way that many women in the workforce transition out of the corporate office and into a work-from-home arrangement. That said, if you’re already out of the traditional workforce but you still have the skills and insight, there’s nothing stopping you from becoming a consultant now. Networking and organization are the keys to success.

Here are a few consulting arenas that are thriving:

  • Advertising
  • Business
  • Career Counseling
  • Insurance
  • Marketing, especially content and digital marketing
  • Publishing
  • Writing


Whether you freelance as a writer, a virtual assistant, a social media manager, a digital marketer, or as any other type of service provider, freelancing is a well-blazed path to six figures for those who truly want it to turn into something. I’ll break down each of these options here.

Freelance writing has become a six-figure career for many, many writers. A lot of these writers have specialized in a particularly lucrative type of writing, called copywriting. Copywriting is a wide range of writing assignments that generally fall under “marketing.” Any time you read a sales page, get an email from a company, go to a company website (which is a huge percentage of all websites), or read a newsletter or special offer from your mail pile, you’re looking at copywriting.

Copywriting is a well-paid type of writing, but it’s not the only one. There are bloggers-for-hire who are making six figures a year primarily writing for corporate blogs and “ghost blogging” for thought leaders and even celebrities. There are tons of training programs for all kinds of freelance writing types.

Virtual assisting is a great way to get started with an online, at-home business that can grow into something more. There are also a lot of ladies out there earning some big bucks as virtual assistants. What you need to know here is that most are not doing it alone. The big earners are often running multi-VA firms. You need to start somewhere, however!

Getting started as a virtual assistant is sometimes intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. VA work is a lot of fun, and it makes a way better hourly rate than a lot of other work-at-home jobs do, even when you’re a beginner. Here are some good ways to start learning:

Social media marketing is big business these days. Everyone from big corporations to small bloggers are using social platforms to boost their business and brands. Social media managers are profiting from the need in a big way doing everything from content scheduling to customer service to social media audits.

Andrea Vahl has an awesome Social Media Manager School that can help you learn the ropes of the industry. If you don’t want to wait until the next session opens in April, check out Alexis Grant’s ebook.

Digital marketing is sometimes thought of as a highly specialized virtual assisting niche in a way. As a digital marketer, you might specialize in specific aspects of online marketing like setting up Facebook ads, designing a sales funnel, or promoting content across multiple channels. Copywriting, web design, and graphic design are also elements of digital marketing, but it’s best to pick one subtopic and start there, adding to your skill set over time.

Digital marketing is an industry that is changing rapidly, but it’s only going to grow. Now is a great time to get your foot in the door and start offering (and charging higher rates for) this specialty service that countless businesses need. The best resource I’ve found anywhere on becoming a digital marketer is Julie Stoian at Create Your Laptop Life.

Direct Sales

Network marketing, also known as direct sales, has been experiencing a steady increase the past few years. This is especially true for the wellness and services industries. A record 20.5 million people in the U.S. were involved in direct sales in 2016, and 5.3 million of them are actively building a solid business for themselves (meaning they’re making real money off direct sales, not just getting the products for themselves at a discount).

While the median income for direct sellers per a recent survey was $6,200 per year, 15% – that’s 2.4 million U.S. consultants – made $50,000 or more in 2013. Of those, there are thousands upon thousands earning $100,000 or more. These are (mostly) women who treat their direct sales business as a real business, getting training and putting in marketing efforts that build their business.

The number of hours you put into your direct sales business directly relates to your income. 70% of direct sellers spend less than 15 hours per week on their business! Imagine the potential if you put in 30 or 40.

What has given direct sales a bad name is that many are lead to believe this is easy money and that people will be banging down your door. Wrong. Another thing that makes people hesitate to get involved is their own negative experiences with pushy direct sellers. No one wants to be that person! Excellent direct sellers know how to sell without pushing and without telling you to hit up your friends and family constantly, so if you decide to sign up, be sure you’re with a team that emphasizes real sales skills.

And keep in mind, 70% of direct sellers report the majority of their sales come from one-on-one contacts, not parties. Don’t let the public speaking thing deter you.

The direct sales game is changing with online technology. They are finally catching up. Now is a very exciting time to get started in direct sales.


Bonus Six-Figure Opportunity: Reselling

Jessica over at The Selling Family is one of my favorite success stories. She and her husband were able to create a six-figure income in their first year as Amazon FBA Sellers. And they work less than 20 hours per week! Grab this free report to learn more about Amazon FBA.

Selling through Amazon FBA isn’t the only way to make it to six figures — you can also build a solid business reselling on eBay and even by flipping things you find on Craigslist and garage sales (though the local flipping scene alone might not get you to six figures).

The One Thing You Need to Know

Here’s the bottom line for all of the above opportunities: You’ve got to put in the work. There is no easy money. There are no shortcuts. There is no get rich quick scheme to answer all of your prayers. You will get out what you put in.

You also need to embrace diversification. You likely aren’t going to get to six figures when you are working strictly with an hourly rate and by yourself. You can! Don’t get me wrong. With a 40-hour work week you need to earn just $48 per hour. Whether that’s possible or not will highly dependent on your skill set. Most of the above remote work from home jobs offer the opportunity to diversify in a number of ways: affiliate marketing, building a downline, creating and selling your own products, teaching others, etc.

Be open to the possibilities and the different ways you can expand your horizons. Once you get the hang of something, be looking for the next way to maximize it and scale. That’s how you run a successful business!

Original article and pictures take no0tb5au6j-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com site

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