пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

How to Convince Yourself That You Can Do Something

How to Convince Yourself That You Can Do Something

Expert Reviewed

Is there something that you know you should be doing? Maybe it's earning a college degree, completing a book report or dropping a few extra pounds. You feel strongly about doing this, but, for some reason, you just don't believe that you can. Learn how to convince yourself to do something, and gain a stronger belief in yourself in the process.

  1. Image titled Convince Yourself That You Can Do Something Step 1
    1 Create an argument as to why the task should be done. Research shows that the best way to convince yourself of something is to develop a strong argument. It seems people will put in more effort to convince themselves of something they do not believe in than they will for things they already believe in.[1] Therefore, if you want to convince yourself to do something, you need to develop a strong premise for doing it.
    • Grab a sheet of paper and make a list of all the pros for doing this. For example, if you're trying to convince yourself that you can earn a college degree, you might list out increase your skills within a certain industry, get job prep and training, network with industry leaders within the field (e.g. professors and other students), and earn a broad worldview.
    • Think of all the benefits you stand to gain by doing this and list them out. Then, go over this list aloud, telling yourself why this task is so important. Repeat these benefits daily or whenever you need motivation.
  2. Image titled Convince Yourself That You Can Do Something Step 2
    2 Assess what skills you have to complete the job. Sometimes, we argue ourselves out of doing something by giving all the ways we are unfit to carry out the task. Anticipate and counteract this issue by figuring out all the ways you are exactly the right person to do the task.[2]
    • For instance, in the case of going to college, you can cite your grades, leadership abilities, extracurricular involvement, writing and speaking skills all as potential assets for helping you earn your degree. These are all strengths that you can identify to increase your resolve and boost your confidence for actually going through with it.
    • If you are having trouble identifying your strengths, seek input from others. Talk to a parent, teacher, boss, or friend who can expound on some of your positive traits.
  3. 3 Educate yourself about what is required. One potential reason you may not believe you can do something is your tendency to overestimate what it takes to do it. You encounter an unknown and you simply assume that the task is too hard or impossible to achieve. However, getting more information or clarifying what you already do know can help the task seem more feasible. Here are some ways you can become more educated about the task:
    • Conduct research. Finding out all the information out there about a given topic boosts your knowledge-base and improves your confidence about doing it.
    • Ask someone who has done it. Talking to someone else about the task can allow you to have questions answered and some of your concerns alleviated.
    • Shadow someone who is currently doing it. Actually seeing another person completing a task helps you to know exactly what steps are taken to execute it. Plus, the person may not have any special skills or training in the task. If he can do it, so can you.
  4. 4 Lay out the steps as if you were teaching them to someone else. Once you have educated yourself on what it takes to complete this task, outline these steps for someone else. Learning through experience is one of the most thorough ways to solidify your knowledge of a topic.[3] By teaching someone else, you can confirm that you have a firm grasp on what you're talking about.
    • Be sure the other person has the ability to comprehend and ask questions about the specific topic. If you can outline what needs to be done, and answer any clarifying questions that the other person poses, you are probably equipped to take on the task.

Original article and pictures take www.wikihow.com site

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