вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Course – My Honest Review

Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Course – My Honest Review

For those of you that are interested to know if you should or shouldn’t invest in the Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing course, this post will help you decide if the course is really worth your investment or not.

In short, if you are interested in monetizing your blog with Affiliate Marketing then this course is definitely one you should take!

Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Review

*** this post contains affiliate links ***


You are looking for a way to monetize your blog in order to generate some kind of income from it.

Well, one of the BEST ways you can monetize your blog is through affiliate marketing.

why? Because it’s easy and doesn’t require much from you!

You don’t need to create the product, the product is already made, all you have to do is create your own special affiliate link for the product (of course the product has to have the option to be an affiliate) and insert your special link in a relevant post on your blog.

You also can place your affiliate link on social media (which you will need to claim that it’s an affiliate link!) and also in your emails to your subscribers! I highly recommend not to send every email with affiliate links in it, because people will notice that you are just trying to make some money from them.

Before I begin the review – I want to inform you all, that I have been in the online world (Internet Marketing) since May 2009, and since then I purchased endless amount of online course in many different topics! (It sums up to be around $20k!!!!)

So, I definitely know a thing or two about Affiliate Marketing! And this review will let you know, from my experience, how good or not so good this course is.

And this review will let you know, from my experience, how good or not so good this course is. (for those of you that are wondering if I took the course or not, yes, I purchased the course and went through it)

Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Course My Honest Review

If you are a blogger and you want to take your blog to the next level with affiliate marketing than the Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing course is a great course you can invest into your business, in order to learn everything you need to know about Affiliate Marketing.

What I LOVED about this course

  • Michelle did a GREAT job breaking down the lectures into short and sweet portions. You won’t feel overwhelmed throughout the course. And if in the future you will need to refresh your memory about something specific, you won’t have difficulties in finding it.
  • Michelle definitely knows what she is teaching and doing (well she earns more than $100k per month!). She did a great job explaining everything so that the beginner blogger and also the more experienced blogger, will know EXACTLY what needs to be done in order to become a master in Affiliate Marketing.
  • The bonuses Michelle added to the Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing course are AMAZING! Especially the Facebook mastermind group! The group is VERY active and if you have any question you can post it in the group….and everybody will be glad to help you out also maybe Michelle herself will answer your question! I know! Isn’t that just AWESOME! It’s like having her for a 1 on 1 with you!
  • I REALLY loved that Michelle is ALWAYS there! Via email. Throughout the years of my online experience, I took so many courses and almost all of them didn’t have such awesome support from the creator of the course! So this was a BIG THING for me when Michelle answered my emails lightning fast! Also, she didn’t have any VA answering me! She was the one answering my emails! I mean WOW! Such a successful blogger and she answered me?! I mean…me?! hahah….
  • I LOVED that she gives real examples from her blog. So you can see for yourself a real example on how to create posts and monetize them with Affiliate links.
  • I love her HONESTY! I mean, She doesn’t hide anything from you! She shows you what REALY works for her! And she isn’t afraid to do so! I NEVER ever had a course that was so honest! In the Internet Marketing world, there is always something that the creator of the course doesn’t share with you because it will create for them a competition. So they create a course and don’t share all the truth about the things that really helped them get the results they claimed on their sales page.

What I DIDN’T Love so much about the course

I am going, to be honest with you here and tell you that there was only two main thing that I didn’t really like and they are….

  • The high price!
    I found the price to be a little bit overpriced. (Well, I am an advanced Internet Marketer….and, therefore, It’s kind of hard to teach me something new) – I truly believe that we always can learn new stuff from each and every person, therefore I invested in this course because I know that there will always be something new that I can learn….even if there is 1 simple thing that will make a change in my strategies and it will help me raising my income then it was well worth the money *** ( Michelle sometimes has a sale on the course so make sure to enter your email bellow in order to receive an email notifying you when there is a sale on the course)
  • For me personally, I love courses that have video tutorials in them, so that I can see exactly what I need to do and how to do it…. I think it’s clearer and easier to learn from a video tutorial rather than a written post/article/course.

My Conclusion about the “Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing”

All in all, this course is AWESOME if you are new to blogging, or if you are new to this method of monetization. It really goes deep into Affiliate Marketing and it covers EVERYTHING you need to know in order to have success with affiliate marketing and your blog.

Do I recommend this course

Yes, I do recommend this course if you want to learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing!

But, if you already know a LOT about Affiliate Marketing then probably this course won’t be a great fit for you. Again, for me personally, it seemed on the pricey side because I already knew 99% of the material.

If you are still interested in the course and you want to wait for a sale – then don’t forget to sign up on my list and I will inform you ASAP when the sale is open.

I truly hope that this post helped you decide if you should or shouldn’t invest in the Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing Course.

Related posts:

I also added this course to my “recommended” page because I believe it can help a lot of bloggers

If you have any questions about the course or if you found this post helpful…Please leave a comment bellow!

Original article and pictures take www.happybloggingmom.com site

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