Finding a job that makes you say "TGIM" isn't so farfetched. These employees are proof of that.
How do you find “the one?” The dream job that is... The one that you look forward to going back to, the one that challenges you, and the one that allows you to do what you love so that work doesn't feel like work. Well, there's good and bad news. The bad: There isn't an exact formula, despite what we're brought up to believe. Womp.
Now for the good: However, what that means is that there are limitless ways to find "the one" and these people are proof of that. From a hobby that turned into the dream career to an unexpected newfound passion to a college degree that led to the perfect gig, these employees are evidence that there many paths to finding your dream job.
When you can talk about your job like they do, that's when you know you've found a career, not just a job. Hear what they have to say.

"I love the way food brings people together and how it makes people happy.” —Ali Inglese, freelance associate TV producer who has worked with Food Network and Cooking Channel
Read Ali's Story

“It’s the chance to be a voice for these people, and I particularly love figuring out how to implement changes to make sure our customers' voices are heard.”
—Ariel Levin, customer service specialist at mattress retailer Casper in New York
Read Ariel's Story

“The best part of my job is building a launch plan and developing cool ways to promote a product. Getting to oversee the development of trailers and ads is very rewarding.” —Ari Sapriel, marketing manager at Spacetime Studios in Austin, Texas
Read Ari's Story

“The life of an airline pilot is sensational. You see the world. You get to visit places you never thought you would go and rarely stay anywhere long enough to get bored. Plus, I love that I always seem to get a window seat.” —Nathan Racine, airline captain for Air Choice One based out of St. Louis, Missouri
Read Nathan's Story

“The best part of my job is meeting people. I feel as if I am experiencing ‘Cheers’ every day.” —Danielle Daniel, sales manager at Tennessee Brew Works in Nashville, Tennessee
Read Danielle's Story

“I really enjoy working with teachers to help them improve their practice so that they can be the best possible teachers for their students and working on new initiatives to make institutional change to positively impact the entire school.” —Karen Woods, science department chair at Somerville High School in Somerville, Massachusetts
Read Karen's Story

“When you realize you’re part of a community movement it’s very powerful. I love pushing the industry and changing the way people feel about charity.” —Sabrina Pourmand, vice president of key relationships for nonprofit Charity: Water located in New York City
Read Sabrina's Story

“It is gratifying to feel like what I’m doing is genuinely helping people.” —Zoë Atlas, nutritionist for a federally-funded program administered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Read Zoe's Story

“Fixing a computer bug is like surgery. You spend a lot of time looking at and examining the patient, and then when you are ready you make the smallest incision possible and only fix what is broken. It is still extremely satisfying to see a feature implemented, an app deployed and a bug fixed.” —Jim McKeeth, lead developer evangelist at Embarcadero Technologies, based in Scotts Valley, California
Read Jim's Story

“The city that I’ve been in my entire life, I get to see it through their eyes. I get to experience it new every time.” —Michael Dillinger, vice president of the Guides Association of New York City
Read Michael's Story

“Video games are essentially every other form of media spun into one and made interactive. There are just so many amazing storytelling opportunities and experiences to be had with something that you can interact with and play a part in.” —Brandt Snyder, junior video editor and motion graphics artist at Activision Blizzard in Los Angeles
Read Brandt's Story

“I believe that the work we do at Transition House to end domestic violence against women and people is fundamental human rights work.” —Risa Mednick, executive director of Transition House, a domestic violence agency in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Read Risa's Story
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